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Who We Are

Welcome to New Life Church, a holy spirit-filled non-denominational body of believers.  We are a well-blended church family that is racially diverse and multi-generational. Basically, we people of all ages who come from all kinds of backgrounds. Our aim in life is what each of us have in common – being a devoted follower of Jesus Christ. Whether you have been in church for a time, never been in church, or have been out of church for a while, New Life Church is a safe and inspiring faith-family with which you can connect share life.

Below are our core values which describe in detail who we are and help steer us forward together in our faith.


1. Kingdom Minded

We value the ways of God's kingdom over the ways of the world in our life. His ways and thoughts are higher & better than ours. We are submitted to the spiritual authority (pastors, elders, & leaders) in our church.  As an individual, as a family, & as a church family we are determined to express God's ways in our everyday lives to point people to and show people Jesus. 

2. Discipleship Driven

We value being true followers of Jesus. We are people of the Word of God- His Word is the bedrock of our faith & anchor of souls.  We are people of prayer - relationship with God is important (a church that prays together, stays together).  We are people of community - relationship with our fellow brothers & sisters in Christ is important (a church that stays together, grows together). We are people of the Lords Table - remembering Jesus' sacrifices often draws us closer to Him & His body. Acts 2:41-47  

3. Great Commission Focused

We value leading people into a life-giving relationship with Jesus Christ. We are people who engage our community, country, & world with the mission of Jesus. We will be mobile in our faith giving witness to salvation in Christ Jesus.  We are a church that goes into the world to win the world for Jesus.  We champion the public mark of water baptism in a believers life giving public witness of faith in Jesus. Matthew 28:18-20


4. Holy Spirit Filled

We value the filling of the Holy Spirit not for doctrinal sake but for destiny sake. We are open to the fullness of the Holy Spirit to fill us fresh daily. We need Him to guide us, empower us, inspire us, & produce in us God's character & love to be His witnesses in this earth. Acts 1:8  

5. Next Generation Committed

We value the next generation of young people. They are not only the church of tomorrow but also of today.  We will give them a voice to be heard, a platform to be seen, a place to serve, a circle of love to equip, empower, & entrust unto them the ways of the kingdom.  There is a spark of revival fires being ignited in our sons & daughters. Matthew 19:14  

6. Stewardship Guided

We value exercising stewardship over the resources of life God bestows upon us. When we are faithful stewards over God's people's money & resources, God blesses us to be even more effective in the purposes of ministry.  We believe in making margin for the purpose of ministry. We encourage our members to do all they can to reduce expenses & make room for Kingdom sowing.  We will not be wasteful or self indulgent but we will make the most of money & resources for ministry.


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