You’re Welcome Here
Welcome to New Life Church, a Holy Spirit-filled, non-denominational body of believers. We are a well-blended church family that is racially diverse and multi-generational. Basically, we are people of all ages who come from all kinds of backgrounds. Our aim in life is what each of us has in common – being a devoted follower of Jesus Christ.
Our Sunday Gathering is geared to worshippers of all ages. There's time for fellowship before service where you can grab a coffee and snack and spend some time catching up with friends. Then we worship together and dive into God's Word. Our kids have their own time together after worship. Our infants and toddlers head to class before service starts.
Coming together as a community strengthens and guides us in our daily life. From the youngest to the oldest, we all benefit from worshipping together.
Join us in-person or online. There's a seat for you!
Visit our ministries page to explore all the ways you and your family can connect with NLC.

At New Life Church, our mission is to make Jesus the center of our lives, church, and communities.
Whether you have been in church for a time, never been in church, or have been out of church a while, New Life Church is a safe and inspiring
faith-family with which you can connect and share life. Whoever you are and wherever you are from -
there's a seat for you!
Galatians 3:28B
"...for you are all one in Christ Jesus."